Inge Heatin' Up...
Seemed like Inge had been hitting well as of late... So I checked it out on the Tigers website... You can find his complete bio here. As I thought he has actually put together a really good string over the last 10 games. (Might have started earlier than that, but you can find players stats from the last 10 games way too easy to bother going farther back... 10 is a nice round number anywho).

This resurgence for Inge is really nice to see. His batting average seemed to bottom out not too long ago, and it is good for him and the Tigers if he could get it going for this last 1/3 of the season. (Which for the first time in 132 years - is meaningful for the Tigers.)
(That pic is property of, I did not create that - please don't sue me !)
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