Evans grabs 2 Kamans...

As you can see, like all rebounding techniques, positioning is key. You must be behind your opponent. The elbow is bent at nearly a 90 degree angle. Next, all four fingers must be extended and touching, except the thumb which remains on its own(similar to a lobster claw). You can see that Reggie Evans has his man (Chris Kaman) right where he wants him. Kaman's legs are separated enough to allow Evans to go in for the kill.

- Shown below, Evans was shoved to the ground as a result of implementing "The Lobster".
- Also, he was fined $10,000 (A non-factor for amateurs).
- Performing this move results in touching another man's testicles-100% of the time.
- After you have performed "The Lobster" many people will begin to question just what team you are really batting for.
If you would like to see this move performed in its entirety go here.
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